Nestle Pure Life Still Water 12 x 1.5 litre
- Refreshing and revitalising, this Nestlé Pure Life still mineral water is a great drink for when on-the-go.
- This still spring water is a great way to revitalise when hard at work or on the move.
- This Nestlé mineral water is non-carbonated, and is refreshing both ice-cold or straight from the pack.
- The water is suitable for gatherings, company meetings, or simply a healthy drink to keep at home.
- The water comes in a PET bottle, which is 100 % recyclable. The bottle's size makes it comfortable to carry around in your bag, backpack or briefcase. Nestlé Pure Life still water is derived from the Peak District, and is carefully monitored to ensure the highest water quality.
- Non-carbonated spring water
- Refreshing and revitalising taste
- Great served ice cold or straight from pack
- Suitable for home use, at functions or in the office
- Pet bottle 100 % recyclable
- Easy to transport bottles in backpack, briefcase or bag
- Volume: 1.5l
- Packaged quantity: 12
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